
Discover a New Continent in the Second Great Navigation!

Announcer:HCL Reporting Group 丨 Time:Nov-02-2020

human beings Second Discover a New Continent!

【Notes】 The new energy “shi” will not only create numerous brand-new technical products and a new industry system, but also fuel novel vehicles by which mankind can discover another new continent. Such new vehicles will replace conventional rockets and spaceships, and usher in the age of star travel. With these new vehicles, mankind can shuttle between the earth and Mars as easy as a hike.

There is an untouched continent on the earth. This continent is much larger and richer than the one discovered five hundred years ago! The new continent covers an area of more than 20 million square kilometers, and its natural resources are far richer than those discovered so far on the earth.

That new continent will be very pure, free of any industrial or ideological pollution and inaccessible to barbarians that have great destructive power. The mankind will soon enjoy a space completely isolated from all survival dangers.

The reason why we humans have not yet discovered that new continent is that the resources currently available to us are not powerful enough to send us there to explore it.

However, this primitive ignorance is about to end. Because an extremely fantastic new energy is about to be mined, and it will enable us to use new means of transportation to arrive at areas that have not yet been perceived by us. It is a huge new continent!

It is a great honor for me to introduce this new energy which is called “shi”. On the earth, there is a new energy unknown to us. We call this new energy “shi”, as shown in the figure below.

Please click on the picture,Learn about new energy"shi"↑↑

“Shi” is the most advanced clean energy found to have some important functions unavailable to fire and electricity. The total reserves of this new energy are larger than all the energies discovered on the earth combined. It will completely change the destiny of mankind and the course of history, and usher in a new civilization.

The technology for mining the new energy, “shi”, can be implemented immediately. “Shi” is a breakthrough in the history of science, and it will have a profound impact in the human society. With such a new energy, new business forms will be created in agriculture, industry, architecture, transportation, aerospace and national defense sectors, and new products will be endowed with advanced functions that have not been realized so far.

More importantly, this new energy, “shi”, will facilitate mankind to discover another new continent where they can start a new life, build up a new civilization and a new powerful nation. This new nation is extremely powerful due to its obsession of “shi”, relying on which the nation will dominate the earth in the several centuries.

Applied in space exploration, “shi” will bring mankind to an age of “space travel”, and the conventional aerospace products will be phased out ultimately. It is impossible for mankind to arrive at Mars by a traditional rocket. When “shi” is used on new vehicles, humans will be able to reach Mars within a few days, like walking on the earth. A travel to Mars by traditional rocket could be one-way, because the traditional energy is not powerful enough to bring the humans back.

“Shi” will usher in a second great navigation, through which the humans will discover a new vast continent!

The First Great Voyage of mankind happened more than 500 years ago. In 1492, an Italian called Christopher Columbus launched a voyage with the support of the Spanish royal family. During this voyage, they discovered a new continent for the first time.

In 1519, Magellan, a Portuguese, with the funds from the King of Spain and sufficient money raised from the private sectors, started a voyage around the world. Mankind entered the age of Great Voyage through which they explored and occupied all the continents on the earth.

Since the first discovery of the New Continent, mankind has invented a series of new vehicles, such as trains, cars, and airplanes (including spacecraft). As a result, the existence state of mankind changed completely, and a higher level of modern civilization came into being.

Today, we will embrace the Second Great Voyage following the exploitation and use of “shi”. We will find another new continent and thus establish a new civilization.

In the historical process of exploration of another new continent, mankind will invent new vehicles. During that process, conventional vehicles, such as cars, trains and airplanes, will be phased out due to the emergence of modern technology, just like the replacement of horse-drawn carriages and sailboats that mankind had been using before the First Great Voyage.

In the future, coal, oil, and hydrogen will no longer be struck off the list of energy and power systems. The age of vehicles based on steam and explosion control technology will soon come to an end. People will use new vehicles to explore another new continent and extraterrestrials, and transportation means completely different from all the vehicles currently known to us will appear.

This is the first time in mankind’s history that the proclamation of “the Second Great Voyage” and “the Second Discovery of a New Continent” was put forward. People around the world should remember that it was us who first proposed “the Second Great Voyage” and “the Second Discovery of a New Continent”. In addition, it was I who first pointed out that new vehicles will be invented to replace conventional cars, trains and airplanes.

The old civilization will ultimately give way to the new civilization. Through the First Great Voyage, mankind discovered the American continent where the most powerful country on earth arose. And the Second Great Voyage of mankind will also lead to a new powerful country that will be hundreds of times stronger than the super power today.

In the future, the development of human society in the next few centuries will be driven by the new energy “shi”. Whoever masters this new energy will become a unique dominant power and a new hegemony in the future.

HCL Technology Co., Ltd., is the owner of the technology for “shi” development. Through two decades of unremitting R&D, the company’s founder discovered the existence of “shi” and the mining method. It is highly possible that we will arrive at the new continent first and achieve all the rights over that continent.

Mr. Ma Chen, CEO of HCL Technology Co., Ltd.

A number of countries have rich reserves of the new energy “shi”, and they might dominate the global energy once “shi” was mined in the future. We provide free technical solutions to interested countries or transnational companies in relation to mining and usage of “shi”, as well as the approach and method to reach the new continent and Mars by using this energy.

If you are an executive of a Fortune 500 company, an official above ministerial level, or an ambassador to China, I would like to give you further free information at your office which is verifiable.

We are recruiting global partners having great financial strength. If you want to join us to develop the new energy, please contact us!

I hope we can conquer the new continent with our joint efforts!

Ma Chen, Manager, HCL Technology Co., Ltd.

Nov. 2, 2020, in Beijing

【Description↓↓】Celebration of the 500th Anniversary of Magellan’s Global Voyage held at the Spanish Embassy to China in the summer of 2019, Mr. Ma Chen participated in this commemorative event and took a photo with the Spanish military officers.

(All pictures from the Internet,for reference only)

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