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The New Energy Era is Around the Corner!

Announcer:HCL Reporting Group 丨 Time:Jan-02-2020

Overall file of new energy "shi"

The New Energy Era is Around the Corner!

【Important Hint】The New Energy Era is Around the Corner, and Comes with Profound Social Changes and Industrial Upgrades

[I] There is a new energy source that is unknown to mankind so far, the most advanced clean energy source with total amount greater than all the energy sources altogether known on the earth. This new energy is called "stone", pronounced "shi" in Chinese, and "shi" in English, as shown below:

The Chinese character "shi" is not found in any Chinese dictionary, which is a coined word, and refers to the new energy with specific properties that is about to appear.

"Shi" derives from special mechanism rather than coal, oil, trees, sunlight, wind and water.

Different from fire and electricity, the utility pattern of "shi" is independent and has nothing to do with fire and electricity.

Fire and electricity are two completely different energy sources. One is macroscopic and the other is invisible.

The main function of fire is to heat food and drive transportation vehicles. Electricity can not only generate fire to realize all functions of fire, but also drive sound and video.

Compared with "fire" and "electricity", the main performance of "shi" is to drive space.

"Shi" has an important achievement, complete elimination of industrial pollution.

Electricity can do everything that fire can do, but fire cannot do the things that electricity can. However, “shi” is able to do everything that fire and electricity can do, including a lot of things that fire and electricity cannot.

"Shi" is substantive, completely irrespective of fire and electricity;

The emergence of new energy "Shi" will affect the whole energy supply system, transportation, aerospace and military industries, which will lead to the establishment of a completely different new industry and service system, resulting in new types of transportation, including planes, cars, trains and ships using new energy, as well as space vehicles.

The biggest change to the military system is that all strategic weapons systems will be abolished, nuclear weapons and launch vehicles will disappear completely, which will be replaced by stronger defense tools and security systems.

As a result, the whole world will be changed. A new and systematic social system will emerge, including financial, financial, educational, medical, housing and urban transportation systems, which will undergo great changes beyond recognition. The new living system will bring us incomparable convenience in life and the greatest sense of security in history.

we will embrace the Second Great Voyage following the exploitation and use of “shi”. We will find another new continent and thus establish a new civilization.

[II] Why do we have to enter the era of “shi”? Because “shi” is an advanced source of power, and it has functions that fire and electricity do not have.

With “shi” power, the aircraft will no longer need the runway, air refueling will become a history, and the era of automatic pilot will really come.

Powered by "Shi", the aircraft will never crash again and can take off and land at any site, and complete earth-circling flight within a few hours with no fuselage broken down for any reason.

With “shi” power, the aircraft will no longer need the runway

Collision of high-speed train and car will no longer happen. Vehicles become the safest means of transportation. In this era, the boundary between car and airplane have completely disappeared, and such that means of transportation will no longer be called "car", "train" and "airplane". When those names in the industrial erabecome history, the transportation means powered by "Shi" have only the difference in capacity and no

difference in function.

Under current technological conditions, it’s impossible for humans to enter the era of space travel, being lack of support from energy and materials. Only under the premise of "shi" as energy source, can the new materials come into being. By relying on the new materials, humans can really start a space journey.

So far, human beings have experienced two civilizations. The first civilization ended in the great voyage, which is known as the first civilization. The second civilization has been from the great voyage until today, which is known as the second civilization.

The development history of human civilization is the utilization history of energy. Among them, the first civilization uses fire and the second civilization uses electricity.

In addition to fire and electricity, there is a third type of energy, which is "shi". This energy will bring the civilization for the third time to mankind, which is called the third civilization.

The emergence of new energy "shi" will surely give birth to a vigorous new industrial revolution that will bring a new way of life and a new civilization progress to global humankind.

The "shi" discoverer is Ma chen, he is CEO of HCL Technology Co., Ltd.Ma Chen wrote the character "Shi" with a pen for the first time in 2000, and it has been 20 years since then.

Mr. Ma Chen, CEO of HCL Technology Co., Ltd.

In 2019, Ma Chen explained the concept of "shi" to the world for the first time and defined the basic characteristics of “shi”. At the same time, Ma Chen named the main technologies and products related to “shi”.

He is the first person to do so in the world. He is the only discoverer of “shi”, the founder of all technologies related to “shi”, and the father of “shi” in the human world.

[III] Many people are moved to tears by the colorful world on the screen in the cinema. At this time, it's cruel and unethical to take people to the screening room and show them the film.

We all know why. Everyone is familiar with and immersed in the dream and does not want to wake up, but you break the dream and make them feel lost and lose their sense of security.

but,very sorry,I'm still responsible for telling you that our current civilization is at a very low-end and everything is not so fine.therefore, Now I am earnestly introducing you a great new energy source called "Shi".

At present, there are six types of so-called "new energy" internationally accepted: wind energy, water energy, ground energy, biological energy, solar energy, and nuclear energy. The energy produced by these six forms is collectively referred to as new energy, that is, non-fossil fuel. However, this understanding is narrow and incorrect because the new energy in its true sense is not included in the above six forms.

Serious industrial pollution from fossil energy

Human beings have not yet been conscious of the existence of real new energy, which is the new energy in the true sense, the "shi".

Tens of thousands of years ago, our ancestors looked up at the lightning in the sky. They didn't realize that it would be the main power to support human civilization tens of thousands of years later. When our ancestors heated water thousands of years ago, they did not expect that the steaming heat would bring the beginning of the great industrial era to human beings thousands of years later.

It is the same today. When you see “shi” with your own eyes, you do not think that it is useful.

The "shi" will show a certain scale of utilization in the next few years, explaining the energy and revealing utilization results of energy with a new substance. There are many such materials on the earth, which have never been valued. Whoever controls this substance first can control the future world.

The emergence of "shi" will bring extremely terrible major changes to human society, which is reflected in the following three points:

① The application of "shi" in the field of human daily life will completely change the survival pattern of human society and all the cognitions on industrial products accumulated over the past hundreds of years, leading to the birth and rapid development of the third civilization.

Once the "shi" is developed and used, the new ecology formed by a series of brand-new products and applications will dominate the survival and development of human society in the next few hundred years. With so many products on the current industrial list which appeared after the discovery of electricity, we will understand that there is a chance to embrace a large number of new products in the "shi" era that do not exist at all so far.

"Stone" will cause all current weapon systems to fail

② The application of "shi" in the field of weapons will result in the failure of all weapon systems currently under human control. Since "shi" can drive space, it will prevent nuclear warheads and various missiles, guns, and rockets from reaching to the attack target forever, and disable any weapon with speed as main attack force.

The development and use of "shi" will completely terminate the era of nuclear weapons and liberate mankind from the horrific disaster of mass extinction. It will be difficult to carry out various injuries and attacks, and violent crime will be a thing of the past.

③ The application of "shi" in the field of space exploration will enable humanity to step into the era of "Universe travel". The interstellar shuttle will be realized, and crossing the galaxy will be a short journey.

Due to the appearance of "shi", all the huge and clumsy aerospace product systems will become history.

[IV]When the human society enters the third decade of the 21st century, it is inevitable that the global economy will be historically at a low ebb. Human society is looking for new breakthrough directions and development momentum. At present, the industrial era is drawing to a close, and the economic development model characterized by large-scale consumption of resources is about to end.

Our human society is at the threshold of the era of new and old energy conversion. The new technologies and materials emerging under the guidance of new energy will sweep the world.

In the era of "Shi ", all bulky clumsy aerospace products will be eliminated;

From now on, the development of human society in the next few hundred years will be dominated by the new energy "shi". Whoever takes the lead in mastering the development and production technology of this new energy and formulates a standard system related to "shi" will be able to seize the commanding heights of the future world in science and technology, politics, economy and military, and eventually become the mater of the future world.

Once the "shi" is developed and used, the new ecology formed by a series of new products and applications will dominate the survival and development of human society in the next few hundred years. The emergence of new energy will lead mankind into a new era of civilization and open a new form of survival. The next booming economic wave will take off driven by the new energy.

For example randomly, the most profound change is coming in the automotive field.

So far, all the so-called new energy vehicles are not truly new energy vehicles which are ignited by oil and electricity at least. The real new energy vehicles do not need fire and electricity. And, the truly autonomous vehicles will not be produced in the current backward industrial system.

In the era of new energy, the so-called new energy vehicles and autonomous cars that exist in the world will be abandoned halfway due to restrictions on technology, energy and material, and will eventually disappear. All the huge amount of R & D and production funds invested in the early stage will eventually go down the drain.

The new energy sources and new materials are essential to real autonomous cars, instead of the design principles and production techniques in the industrial times. At present, the so-called autonomous cars developed with huge investments by many companies around the world will eventually become a joke in history textbooks due to the emergence of new technologies and materials.

The real autonomous vehicles are powered by "Shi";

The next decade is the last time for all traditional cars, including the so-called new energy vehicles currently on the market, to be completely cleared out and destocked. A kind of personal vehicle made of new materials and driven by new energy is coming soon. It will be a truly new energy vehicle with perfect self-driving capabilities. This personal vehicle produces no pollution in production and operation links, truly clean and environmentally friendly, and more convenient, faster and safer.

This new energy vehicle in truly sense will completely eliminate the unmanageable drawbacks of cars designed and produced in the current industrial times, completely eliminate the danger of scratch and collision, and reduce the number of casualties caused by cars to zero.

The traditional cars cannot avoid danger, but new vehicles can do it. The type of vehicle that is about to appear is not cars what we say, and its function is simply beyond the reach of traditional cars. The automated driving will be realized by this new type of vehicle.

[V] When a cutting-edge idea emerges, listening carefully is the most correct attitude. So, mastering the next 100 years will give you a tremendous opportunity to stand out.

It is truly wise to maintain the proper enthusiasm and reverence for cutting-edge theories and technologies. There are two greatest inventions of humankind throughout history: telephone and airplane, which infinitely reduce the earth's space to the palm of your hand. However, neither of the two greatest inventions was invented by prominent scientists at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society.

Assumed as something against scientific dogma, the plane was still invented by intelligent humans;

Antonio Meucci, who invented the phone, was a butcher and the Wright brothers who invented the plane lived by repairing bicycles. They only received junior middle school education, had not attended college and had never learned physics. However, it was precisely their brainstorm at a time that completely changed the history of human civilization.

More than a hundred years ago, when Alexander Bell held a solid wire and claimed that he would use this wire to carry sound over a thousand kilometers away, he was ruthlessly mocked by the scientific community. Because the physical law believed at the time was that sound could only travel in the air. However, the cruel reality quickly proved that Bell was right, and those who laughed at him were all wrong!

HCL Technology Co., Ltd masters the development technology of new energy "shi". We are eager to tell the international community that a very significant systemic change affecting the entire economic and social development field may be coming.

HCL Technology Co., Ltd is registered in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Beijing, China. Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park is world-famous for China's Silicon Valley.

We welcome investment institutions from all over the world to discuss cooperation with us, to make new energy enrich humanity as soon as possible, and become the latest and most powerful driving force for global economic development!

The complete technical solution is available by US $ 5 million investment and the "shi" manufacturing equipment by US $ 80 million investment. We can offer the extremely favorable share plan for our investors.

HCL Technology Co., Ltd surely will become the world's largest energy corporation at one stroke by relying on this new energy technology.

"100 dollars" is a banknote that is the most concerned in planet. The most people out of more than 7 billion worldwide know it. The portrait on this note is Franklin, the discoverer of electricity.

So, what I want to say at last is that please remember energy is money and everything else is not. In this world, only energy is the hard currency that is really valuable. Whoever controls new energy is the absolute master of the future world!

Please feel free to send email or add friends on WeChat to discuss specific cooperation matters. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for reading!

HCL Technology Co., Ltd.

January. 2, 2020, in Beijing

(All pictures from the Internet,for reference only)



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