
Be about "World Metaverse Sports Meet"

发布:来美利科技   时间:2024-06-19

"World Metaverse Sports Meet" is abbreviated as “Wovsp”

Be about "World Metaverse Sports Meet"

We propose that your country hold the world's first "World Metaverse Sports Meet".

your country hold the world's first "World Metaverse Sports Meet", which would bring your country a huge sum direct income, and win a huge international reputation, making your country the holder of international core power.

The relevant matters of the “World Metaverse Sports Meet” (English abbreviation “Wovsp”) are explained in detail as follows.

I. The origin of the "World Metaverse Sports Meet"

The English full name "World Metaverse Sports Meet" is abbreviated as “Wovsp”.

This is a large-scale international event full of modern science and technology, and a soft power project that highly integrates with science and technology, culture, sports and tourism.

The creator of “Wovsp” is Chinese Ma Chen, who was born on July 25, 1963, being the founder and CEO of Beijing Laimeili Science and Technology Center, and currently living in Beijing.

The creator of “Wovsp” is Chinese Ma Chen

“Wovsp” is an acronym created by Ma Chen specifically for the "World Metaverse Sports Meet". The word "Wo" comes from the first two letters of "World", "v" from "Metaverse", and "sp" from "Sports Meet", combined to form the English “Wovsp”.

The term "Metaverse", a famous future science concept, appeared in the United States in the early 1990s, and now has become a high-tech synonym for the global scientific and technological circles combined with AI. As we all know, the United States is the world's top science and technology power, and some of the famous technology companies in the United States, such as Meta Company, Apple, and Microsoft etc, are famous metaverse technology development enterprises.

Meta Company are famous metaverse technology development enterprises

Ma Chen, an early pioneer involved in the development of metaverse products internationally, has been engaged in scientific and cultural creativity for many years, with rich experience in organizing sports events. He founded Venus' Earth office in September 2019 and “Wovsp” in 2020. Through the “Wovsp” platform, Ma Chen has created a unique competition and super technology project for the 21st century, providing the country with an important opportunity for global leadership.

The “Wovsp” is, above all, a global sporting extravaganza that we can imagine it as a compound of the Olympics and the World Cup. “Wovsp” consists of 36 large competitive events and 344 small competitive events, and the competition content and process are richer and more wonderful than the Olympic Games and the World Cup.

A detailed introduction about “Wovsp” is available on the website of Beijing Laimeili Science and Technology Center at: www.ma598.com. Click “Wovsp” and "Introduction to Ma Chen" on the home page to see the detailed introduction content.

Click to see the detailed introduction content

“Wovsp” provides a very professional implementation plan, a particularly long piece. If needed, you can contact us for it.

II. Our proposals

We appeal to your country to host the world's first “Wovsp”. Moreover, if your country could permanently settle the headquarters of the organizing committee of the Games in your country (such as capital), it could make the city become an Asian version of "Lausanne", just like the location of International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, and upgraded to a great city of international fame! This large-scale urban construction movement could play a strong and long-term stimulus role in your country's economic development by attracting global investment.

The “Wovsp” is a super cultural travel project integrated with culture, sports, science and technology and tourism, which covers the world and is held all year round online and offline simultaneously.

The “Wovsp” holds an offline event every two years, launching a grand event in the host city like the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. A variety of sports and technology competitions would be held online throughout the year around the world. Through the event, it could sell sporting goods and diversified peripheral products and derivatives in the fields of culture, science and technology, and entertainment, etc., and promote the vigorous development of the tourism industry in the host city.

As the planner and promoter of “Wovsp”, we are currently looking for the city to host the first event of “Wovsp” around the world, and recruiting the headquarters of “Wovsp”. I especially hope that your country could undertake this project, and take advantage of the grand stage of “Wovsp” and the excellent opportunity to display soft power globally, and build your country into a world-renowned complex country of culture, sports and tourism.

location of International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland

Regarding all matters related to “Wovsp”, we have detailed introduction materials available to you at any time. We would be very grateful if you could accept my suggestion and let your country undertake and host the world's first “Wovsp”!

III. How to carry out the “Wovsp” in the century

We would first create an organizing committee, called the “Organizing Committee for the “Wovsp”. Please refer to the "Organizing Committee for the International Olympic Games" for that style.

The Organizing Committee is the highest authority and a permanent body, chaired by the Prime Minister of your country. The Organizing Committee consists of 29 founders from all over the world, including government members and business members.

The 29-member committee consists of a tripartite group of your country, China and the United States, each of which has a veto. Therefore, this tripartite group is the final decision maker of the "Organizing Committee for the Wovsp ".

your country is the headquarters of the "Organizing Committee for the Wovsp " and the host city, reasonably giving it a veto power. China is the country of the founder and the largest market in the world. The United States is the most technologically advanced country in the world, and the cutting-edge technologies needed by Wovsp would come from the United States. That’s why the three countries have the final decision-making power of the “Wovsp”.

The “Organizing Committee for the Wovsp” consists of five bodies for a committee, three of which are based in your country, and the other two, the "Competition Committee" in China, and the "Science and Technology Committee" in the United States.

Other major countries or super international enterprises in the world could apply for it to be one of 29 members of the “Organizing Committee for the Wovsp”.

“Organizing Committee for the “Wovsp” consists of 29 founders from all over the world

This “Organizing Committee for the Wovsp” could be established by the fall of this year, and the Committee would then draw up procedures and issue working instructions.

The first official international event could start in October, and then be held all year round, operating and benefiting permanently.

IV. Sincere will

Holding the “Wovsp” is a historic and important development opportunity. I sincerely hope that the your country government could seize this opportunity to bring the “Wovsp” to your country on a grand and spectacular scale and make it a major global project in culture, sports and tourism.

In the first place, combined with the four significant development factors of sports, culture, science and tourism, the "Wovsp" is an important soft power and commercial project with strong profit function which can influence the development pattern of Asia and the Pacific in the next 100 years.

While constantly introducing and promoting your country to the world in the following years, the project will carry out the large-scale urban infrastructure construction, and vigorously advance the technology development, making your country a particularly important scientific and technological power in the world, making your country a particularly important scientific and technological power globally by standing in the center of the world stage.

The "Wovsp" is likely to be a turning point for the modern economic development of your country and a starting point of leap forward. Driven by this project, your country stands a chance of becoming a high-income developed country within the next two decades and possessing the veto power in global affairs for the first time.

Now your country has many good economic development measures, especially the tourism market development, and many industrial projects, all of which are excellent. But the your country lacks a core soul, a qualitative leap, a technological component, and a super project that features a reasonable positioning and strong pulling power for modern your country. Such super project can promote your country to the world and make the world look up to your country. And such super projects are usually soft power projects rather than hardware construction.

Holding the “Wovsp” is a historic and important development opportunity

The "Wovsp" is such a great soft power project. Equivalent to putting the Olympic Games and the World Cup together, it’s promoted to the world combined with modern technology and AI technology. On a global scale, this is a unique and the only super project, allowing your country to stand out in Asia and the world as a renowned leader globally.

Let us make arduous efforts for the greatness of your country!

V. The leader of twenty-first century

Both the Olympic Games and the World Cup were founded more than 100 years ago during the industrialization period, when the center of human civilization was still in Europe, so the Olympic Games and the World Cup reflected the influence of Europeans and led the development of human society for more than 100 years.

Now, in the information age, the center of human civilization has shifted to Asia and the Pacific. The 21st century is the century of the Asian people, which requires the birth of a soft power project with the characteristics of the 21st century beyond the Olympics and the World Cup, to show the world the outstanding creativity and strong influence of the Asia-Pacific region.

The Asia and the Pacific geographically extends from the west coast of the United States westward, across the Pacific Ocean, Japan, China and the Middle East to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, to the Arctic Ocean in the north, and to Australia and New Zealand and the Antarctic border in the south. your country is geographically right located, simply the chosen country! The country in this position should be the leader of the entire Asian and Pacific region in the twenty-first century.

your country is leader of world in the twenty-first century

With a large enough land area for development, your country can become a comprehensive center of culture, sports, tourism, science and technology and other fields in Asia and the Pacific region, and eventually develop into an important country with a huge voice in the world's economic and political pattern.

Asians have never created any world-class institutions or events that have an impact on countries around the world. It is time to change that.

Please read the attached detailed information on the "Wovsp" project.

A large number of more detailed and cumbersome rules could be provided separately,Please contact us for consultation.

I wish you a happy work and everything goes well!

Beijing Laimeili Science and Technology Center

Beijing, June 2024

Let us make arduous efforts for the greatness of your country!






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