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new energy means global hegemony

Announcer:HCL Reporting Group 丨 Time:Nov-29-2020

《new energy means global hegemony》

[Notes] Hegemony is based one new energy. In other words, new energy means global hegemony. The rise of a power must begin with large-scale use of a new energy.

Seen from the history of mankind, the rise of each hegemonic power starts with large-scale use of a new energy. That is, the birth of a new hegemony is actually the rise of a new energy.

Further, the use of a new energy always leads to the birth of a new hegemony.

The rise of Britain was the result of large-scale use of coal, and the rise of the United States was the result of large-scale use of oil. In summary, the rise of a new hegemonic power will never be a product of the oil age, but a product of a brand-new energy - if that power really rises.

In the combat for hegemony, the power that can obtain the new energy will win. Why did the two most powerful rivals of the United States, i.e., Germany and Japan, lost in the combats against the United States? Because Germany and Japan are both products of the oil age, and the hegemony of the oil age is the United States.

As the world’s first commercial well was drilled in the USA in the end of the 19th century, USA established its hegemony firmly in the oil age.

the hegemony of the oil age is the United States.

Any country will not replace the United States, unless it obtains a new energy. That new energy is not nuclear energy, because nuclear energy is also a product of the oil age, just like electricity being the product of the steam age.

Since the United States is the hegemony of the oil age, it must also be the hegemony of nuclear energy, just like Britain, which was not only the hegemony of the steam age but also be the hegemony of nuclear energy. It wasn't until large-scale oil production that the hegemony shifts from a country to another.

The new energy that cause the shift of the new hegemony from the United States to a new power will be juxtaposed with coal and oil to become a powerful fuel for the creation of a new civilization. The name of this new energy is called “shi”.

The new energy will drive the exploration of a new continent and help mankind to expand the territory by at least tens of millions of square meters. Monopoly of “shi” means the ownership of the new continent.

Monopoly of “shi” means the ownership of the new continent.

With this new energy, the mankind will enter the age of space travel in a real sense. Before large-scale use of “shi”, it is a ridiculous way to use large-caliber rocket to send mankind into the space. It is impossible for human beings to travel in space by rocket which is too backward.

HCL Technology Co., Ltd., has mastered the technology for developing the new energy. HCL’s weibo ID is “红石前沿资讯” (Hong Shi Qian Yan Zi Xun). Please read the articles published between 8:00am to 9:00am every day to get details about the new energy.

HCL Technology Co., Ltd., is engaged in promoting this most advanced new technology, and recruiting global partners with great financial strength. If you would join us in developing the new energy, please contact us!



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HCL Technology Co., Ltd.

Nov. 29, 2020, in Beijing

(All pictures from the Internet,for reference only)





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