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We need kind understanding and support!

Announcer:HCL Reporting Group 丨 Time:Feb-21-2020

We need kind understanding and support!

welcome you to here!Great inventions can’t do without more kind understanding and support, instead of praise.

All great inventions were always ignored at first, due to the deep doubts and cautions about new discoveries. This is understand able because there is always a process before the new things are accepted.

Franklin is recognized as the discoverer of electricity in the scientific community, but there was no enthusiasm for his great discovery other than the ignorance after he discovered electricity. Because in the days of Franklin, even if electricity was discovered, what was it for? Electricity was useless at the time.

After all, electricity came before all kinds of electrical appliances. When Franklin discovered electricity, there wasn't even a single electrical appliance in the world. The use of electricity was unknown, so no one was interested in Franklin's great discovery.

The electricity discoverer: Benjamin Franklin

The Wright Brothers’ experience was even worse than Franklin. When they invented the plane in 1903, there was no cheering crowd. Everyone, including the U.S. government, turned a blind eye to their inventions, and the newspapers did not report them. What the Wright brothers did was supposed to be impossible, a shameful scam.

The Wright brothers are great patriots. After two years of flying a plane in human history, they wanted to present their aircraft to the US Navy for free(at that time there was no air force in the world), but the navy rejected it. They were rudely kicked out, because the navy said they did not welcome scammers. The Wright brothers were frustrated and temporarily suspended the research on the plane in desperation.

The aircraft inventor: Wright Brothers

The history of human progress in science and technology is itself a history turning countless lies into reality. More than two hundred years ago, the steel was supposed to fly in the sky, which must be a lie. Over a hundred years ago, a wire was expected to transmit the sound thousands of kilometers away, which is also a lie. Today, we call these things airplane and phone, and we use them all the time.

History always has amazing repetitions, because it’s a small world. The ignorance on "Shi" now has the same reason as what happened to the Franklin and Wright brothers, because there is no equipment powered by "Shi" (though coming soon). Therefore, "Shi" is also disregarded and not interested.

This new energy is called "stone", pronounced "shi" in Chinese, and "shi" in English

Ma Chen wrote the character "Shi" with a pen for the first time in 2000, and it has been 20 years since then. Franklin published an elaboration of electricity in the 1730s, and did an epoch-making kite test in the 1750s, a span of exactly two decades.

All great discoveries were always signored and ridiculed at first, which is the same thing today. When the concept of "Shi" is barely understood, please believe that you will live on it many years later.

Today, we fly around the earth in airplanes

Yes, it takes time for people to accept new things, and what we have to do isto prevent the process from getting too long. There are only a few twenty years in life. Great inventions can’t do without more kind understanding and support, instead of praise.

Please follow us for talent recruitment. We warmly welcomea wider range of partners and investors to join our team. Let's do it with a bang. Everyone comes to life for nothing, leaving behind great technical achievements and civilized wealth for future generations, and becominga great winner in the history!

HCL Technology Co., Ltd.

Feb. 21, 2020, in Beijing

scientific research and development bring us splendid modern civilization





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